
Hood River Hotel - Real Haunts in Hood River OR

  • 102 Oak St.
  • Hood River, OR
  • (541) 386-1900
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  (4 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This hotel is the oldest inn in town and is believed to be haunted by a former owner. There have been reports of disembodied footsteps, phantom phone calls when the reception desk is unattended and doors that open and close on their own.

The hotel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and offers 41 rooms and suites.
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  • The whole town is creepy

    Last week, my boyfriend’s family and I took a trip up to Hood River. Immediately, we noticed there was something off with the people. They weren’t friendly or talkative. They almost looked scared. We are teenagers from a suburban town in Califor us, so we thought maybe that was just Oregon or maybe they didn’t like kids. But as the time went on, more people started appearing in random places, seemingly out of the blue, each one more friendly than the last. Their put our minds at ease, but there was still something off. We stayed in an AirBnB right outside the main strip. It was a cute place, nice view. On the first night, our power went out completely, which made us paranoid. But the place was weird. none of the doors locked and the front door would swing open at random times in the night. We investigated further and found multiple creepy rooms full of kerosine and what looked to be old rusty gardening supplies, as well as another shed full of spray paint and more unidentifiable rusty tools. The house appeared to be under renovations. The walls were haphazardly painted, there were bare nails and screws coming out of the ceiling. Everything seemed out of place and odd. We got home safely, but ever since we left, I’ve had a weird feeling. Almost like someone has been watching us maybe I’m paranoid, but something about that town is off.

    Posted 7/26/21

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  • Definitely something freaky going on here!

    Approx. 10 years ago I stayed here and we were both sleeping. We shared an identical "dream" of a cowboy at the foot of the bed. He touched our feet, and pulled out a large revolver. As he pointed at us and started to pull the trigger, we startled awake and screamed! It was scary and we cancelled our 2nd night stay. Just last weekend 4/24, we stayed and while we were sleeping I heard the wind whipping through the window. I tried to roll over to my wife and couldn't. I couldn't speak. I could only kick her with my feet and ask her if she felt the same thing. She said she felt a strong pressure on her chest. Scary! The 2nd night, she had a similar experience...heavy pressure on her chest and couldn't speak to me! I heard her struggling in her sleep. Definitely something spiritual/ghostly at this hotel and I have never been a believer in ghosts.

    Posted 4/26/21

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  • Ghost Seems Playful

    We're staying at the Hoid River Hotel as we speak in room 321. This our 2nd visit, last year we stayed in a room on the 2nd floor right next to the maid's closet. Both times the resident ghost has been active. The 1st time she turned our doorknob several times a day. I'd hear the knob turn, look through the peephole, see no one then hear foorsteps walk away. I opened the door a few times to look down the hall, still hearing footsteps, seeing no one. One night I heard my suitcase being rustled through, looking down to see the mess, then hearing footsteps walk away again. So far this time we've only been here 5 hours. I asked her if she was here to knock on the wall. About midnight there was knocking on the bathroom wall. She doesn't scare me. I'm quite physic and I don't feel an evil presence, just a lonely one having a bit of fun.. I'll post again if there's more. We'll be here 3 more days

    Posted 9/3/18

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  • haunted room 310 hood river hotel

    On August 7th 2018 I was in Hood River staying at another hotel and saw the website for the Hood River Hotel. It looked pretty cool so my daughter and I decided to check it out and potentially stay that night. We went in and walked up to the front desk and asked about a room. The girl at the desk said there was a suite available --room 310 and gave us the key to go and look at it. The very old elevator wasnt working so the two of us popped up the stairs to the third floor. The maids were cleaning a room just down the hall, it was broad day light nothing spooky going on. The room was locked and we had a old fashioned key with a metal tag which was neat no card to swipe--I put the key in the lock, opened the door and stepped in. Straight ahead I could see a bedroom with a queen bed, the shades were pulled down and the bed spread looked like a J.C. Penney cast off from the 1970's. To my right I could partially see what looked like a long table like someone might have in their dining room at home with a couple of chairs. Nothing scary, right? I hadn't been in the room more than a couple of steps and a few seconds when all the hair on my body stood straight up and I was (for no reason I could discern) utterly terrified to the point where I panicked and started yelling " GO GO GO GET OUT" to my poor daughter who was standing behind me in the doorway. I literally pushed her out so I could close the door and get away from whatever was in the room. I don't panic but I literally could not calm down and nearly started to sob. It took me a full minute just to catch my breath. We looked at at each other in shock. I said Okay I'm going to try going back in there. I tried and failed. I was so upset that my daughter had to give the key back to the desk just saying that we didn't want the room. While I went to a whiskey bar two doors up and threw back a straight shot of Makers Mark.

    Posted 8/12/18

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    9 out of 11 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 7/11/2016 (3025 days ago)

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