
Columbia Gorge Hotel - Real Hood River Haunted Place

  • 4000 Westcliff Dr.
  • Hood River, OR
  • (541) 386-5566
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The strange occurrences at this hotel include the smell of cigar smoke that is attributed to one of the retirement residents who passed away here a long time ago, furniture being barricaded from the inside of the rooms when no one is inside, and apparitions. A man wearing a frock coat and top hat has been seen, along with a lady in white who reportedly jumped off a hotel balcony. A woman ghost also haunts Room 330, and a child ghost lingers on the ground floor where a pool used to be.
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  • Slept in my truck

    I prayed and recited bible verses but as I was about to go to bed I felt something off about room 320. Whether it was creaky from age or from something, I packed my stuff and am writing this before sleeping in my truck on a week long work trip.

    Posted 8/1/23

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  • The Tale of the Possessed A/C Unit

    I’ve read through all the previous comments. Besides being poorly written, I doubt they are legitimate. Having just wrapped up 3 nights here, we witnessed no paranormal activity, and all I can really attest to is that the a/c units in the room will keep you awake on a hot summer night because they blow like they are trying to cool the entire hotel. It’s an old hotel—it’s going to have creaks and noises, but nothing that goes bump in the night.

    Posted 7/24/23

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  • Haunted Mansion

    It was a lovely spring afternoon. The flooring was creepy and felt unsettling. The optical illusions of art deco, charming and not paranormal whatsoever. Nonetheless, when we first came into the Hotel, the man at the desk had a name tag that said Josh. My Sister and Father went to our room as my Mom and I went back to ask him about the flashing light upstairs in the tower. When we arrived to the front desk, it was the same young adult but the name tag was different. When he said no this place is not haunted, he and I exchanged suspicious looks. His name tag said Oscar instead of Josh. As in, Oscar the ghost, the one we had been warned of. I noticed some of the rooms smelled like cigar. I saw a man in the Lobby with a small dog and a black bowler hat. My Sister and Father read from the Bible before they went asleep, and then slept like babies, as they told us in the morning. However, My Mom and I woke up like 15 times each in the night. We heard a dog bark twice but it could’ve been a living dog, not a ghost dog. I actually did hear a lot of footsteps laughter and voices upstairs, though we’re on the third floor. There is no upstairs. We loved the sunrise and beautiful architecture, and would definitely come back here (to investigate!)

    Posted 4/14/23

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Motion Sensor

    My husband and I stayed at the Columbia Gorge Hotel September 23 and 24th. I had researched the hotel ahead of time due to its age and learned of some paranormal activity. We were on the 2nd floor with a view of the water. On the 2nd night, we left the closet door slightly ajar for no intended reason; however, the motion sensored light came on three separate times throughout the night. At the 2nd occurence I had also heard the creak and closure of a door but that didn't seem to be from inside our room. Other than that, I noticed temperature shifts in the room. Those few things were the extent of our experience. I would have no issue staying here in the future. The historic location has more than adequate rooms and the view and grounds are lovely.

    Posted 9/25/22

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Terrifying ghost experiences!

    I went to the Columbia Gorge Hotel from November 4th to November 5th, 2021 as a birthday trip, my mom and I were booked in one of the most haunted rooms, room 328. When we first checked in, the front desk attendant said "Room 328, worst room in the house." I asked her why, and she said "Its the room where a lot of housekeepers complain of paranormal activity. I was even more excited. After we went to our room, we placed our stuff down, and went to get some dinner. While in the restaurant, I saw a shadowy apparition walk to the middle of the restaurant when I was trying to take a photo of the restaurant, I also heard a lady whisper"Listen!" when my mom and I were eating, which I told my mom about. After we paid and left, I told my mom I was going to the ballroom for a quick look before heading back up and grabbing some equipment to ghost hunt down there. I unknowingly caught a shadowy figure in one of the photos I had taken pointing towards the mirror at the other side of the ballroom, I was also alone, as my mom had went to the room. I snapped a few more photos, grabbed my Mel-Meter, some Jolly Ranchers as a trigger object, and headed back down, I left my mom with my EVP Recorder in our room. I caught 3 orbs in 3 separate photos down there, got multiple spikes on the Mel-Meter, saw child's fingerprints on the mirrors, heard giggling, felt a few cold spots, and saw a shadowy figure of a little girl. I went back to the room at 11:30 pm. After, my mom and I did a quick EVP session and caught nothing, until at around 12:15 am, we decided to head to bed. My mom woke me up at 7 am for breakfast, and she also turned on the AC. The last thing I saw was the curtain on the other side of the room moving by itself when the window was completely closed, and the AC was off. Best birthday trip ever, and I can't wait to go back someday!

    Posted 3/7/22

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    6 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Honey moon from hell

    End of February 2006 wife and I were given two free nights there for our honeymoon. Had no idea it was a haunted place. I wouldn't have went. I can't remember the room number I think 219 As soon as I got to our room I started to feel sick. The room got super hot I felt like throwing up instantly I remember seeing bloody faces of a woman and man outside our window. While sleeping I felt like I had something pushing pressing my body in to the bed a dark presence sitting on my chest. It was like someone had opened and evil portal in that room. Like a Ouija board was used many dark spirits in that room. we didn't stay the two nights we left by 10am the next morning. I went directly to the hospital thought I was going to die they gave me a shot of penicillin in my rear. It was the sickest I have ever been in my life. Sick for two weeks. I am already sensitive to the spiritual realm there is some bad energy there for sure. I would never go back. I have seen and heard good and bad spirits all my life. Don't go there looking for evil you might just find it. No joke. They should do a ghost adventures there if they haven't already. Seeing the bloody faces outside our room and feeling the oppression of these entities was terrifying.

    Posted 9/2/21

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Strange night

    This was about 3 years ago? Not 100% sure, but hubby and I booked a weekend at the Columbia gorge Hotel. Our room was on the second floor. If you went up the stairs, make a hard left, then another left at the end of the hall. Our room was at the corner of the building. We could see out towards the west side of the grounds. I consider myself sensitive. That night I had an odd very vivid dream. I was sleeping in the bed side closest to the door. I “saw” a black mass hovering above my the nightstand next to the bed. In the dream, it stated to smoke and the room started on fire due to this presence. I woke with a horrid gasp. The next morning I had an inclination to look around and check out the nightstand. I saw there was a bible in the nightstand, exactly under where the black mass was. Have no idea what that was all about... but it was weird. I asked the bellman if there was a fire in that room at some point. He said no, but I did some research and read a fire took place at another hotel .. but nothing I could find for the Columbia gorge hotel specifically

    Posted 7/26/20

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  • Sat on by a ghost

    This was about 8-9 years ago. My boyfriend and I stopped for the night on a whim, we found the hotel to be charming and beautiful- they even had an old fashioned bellhop! Everything was great, we had dinner and drinks with no issue and retired around 10/11 pm. I woke up a few hours later, hot and sweaty- the room was unbearably hot and I remember being annoyed by the loud radiator. I lay debating for a min or two if I should get up to turn it down when I saw a human form walk around the foot of our bed and to my side of the bed, suddenly I couldn't move or speak - all I could do was dig my fingers into my boyfriends leg that it had been resting on- the bed dipped as if someone was sitting on it, my body actually rolled a bit towards the dip and suddenly I was flattened and frozen -like I was being pushed down into the bed, it lasted for about 10 seconds and then it was suddenly gone. I was terrified- I rolled over and wrapped by arms around my boyfriends and basically choked him away. When we checked out, the front desk gave us a gift certificate for $150, which I found peculiar. Looking back I think it was because they knew there was activity in that area that night. I later learned while researching the hotel that they would sometimes chain off or block the hallways that were experiencing heavy paranormal activity and I remember that our room was right next to a hallway/staircase that had been blocked off. I keep trying to get people to come back with me but no one will because of the history of the hotel and my own experience! I would definitely go back.

    Posted 1/28/19

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    11 out of 11 found this review helpful

  • Our experience in 331

    My Fiance and I stayed for one night in room 331. After we arrived, we went out for a short time to grab a few things at the store. Before we left, we had left an empty backpack on one of the chairs in the room. When we came back about an hour later, the backpack was on the floor, in front of the chair. But it was lying in a position that could not have naturally occurred if it had simply fallen off the chair by itself. Later that night, when I was asleep and my fiance came out of the bathroom, she noticed that my socks that I had taken off (that I had peeled off randomly), were lying straight and parallel to each other neatly on the floor (in the same spot where we found the backpack earlier) as if placed there. We also heard music, voices and footsteps like a party above us for a few minutes. All in all it's a very charming an beautiful hotel to stay in.

    Posted 12/31/18

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  • Women in white

    Sitting on a park bench outside the bathroom window.

    Posted 6/22/17

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  • Strange occurences

    I stayed here on a recent family vacation. I had no clue of its haunted reputation but had some very strange things happen while I was there. I have pictures from inside the hotel at 3am'll have to see them for yourself. I prided myself on not believing in ghosts but having first hand experiences in this beautiful hotel has swayed that belief

    Posted 3/26/17

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    8 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • Beautiful Historic Hotel

    I would love to know what room the above review was in. This was my 2nd time here, different rooms and plan on going back. The paranormal stuff doesn't bother me and yes I had a similar experience with the closet light on a motion sensor and the bed incident. We were just recently there staying in room 346. We witnessed the closet light come on with the closet door shut at 8pm , 1030pm and then it came on and woke my wife up around 2 am. My wife said she couldnt move, speak or open her eyes, she was in a frozen state. I woke up when something felt like tugging or sitting on the blankets on my side of the bed that sent tingling up my legs. The first time we stayed there I heard strange noises early am which may or may not be able to be explained but this trip, something paranormal is definitely going on in that room.

    Posted 5/23/16

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  • Beautiful Historic Hotel

    I would love to know what room the above review was in. This was my 2nd time here, different rooms and plan on going back. The paranormal stuff doesn't bother me and yes I had a similar experience with the closet light on a motion sensor and the bed incident. We were just recently there staying in room 346. We witnessed the closet light come on with the closet door shut at 8pm , 1030pm and then it came on and woke my wife up around 2 am. My wife said she couldnt move, speak or open her eyes, she was in a frozen state. I woke up when something felt like tugging or sitting on the blankets on my side of the bed that sent tingling up my legs. The first time we stayed there I heard strange noises early am which may or may not be able to be explained but this trip, something paranormal is definitely going on in that room.

    Posted 5/23/16

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  • It was Terrifying - Not Fun!

    We checked in the night before Easter, March 26, 2016 intending to stay the night and have Easter Bruch the next morning. They gave us room 313. WE went upstairs and put our suitcases in and went to explore the town a bit. Came back and had dinner in the dining room around 7PM then up to the room. In the room is a closet with a light that comes on when the door opens so no switch, which was fine. My fitbit says I fell asleep around 10:30PM and at 1:34 AM I was woken up by ladies voices in the hall and looked at the large gap under the door expecting to see shadows which I did not see. Shortly after the closet light came on for a few minutes then off. About 10 minutes later it came on again. Now I'm awake and can't help but watch the closet door. If you've been there you'll know the gaps under all the doors is about 2 -3 inches so you can clearly see under it without getting close. As this continued for about an hour I found myself trying to scream but I was so terrified I couldn't even move. Then something sat down against my legs in the bed clearly making and indention on the blankets. I could feel then up next to me. That's when I started crying, still unable to move or scream. They eventually got up and then the light started coming on again and I was still trying to scream eventually I woke up my boyfriend I told him "look" he didn't know what he was looking for and then again the closet light came on. He witnessed this a few times then he turned the light on. Still crying I told him I m leaving, grabbed my cloths and ran down 3 fights of stairs, told the front desk guy its haunted and I was leaving. We drove over an hour home at 4AM. I will never go back to that place again. I

    Posted 4/7/16

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    12 out of 14 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (3190 days ago)

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