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Union Carnegie Library - Union OR Real Haunts

  • 182 N. Main St.
  • Union, OR
  • (541) 562-5811
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  (1 review)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Libraries
Open To Public
Yes - Open To Public
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Strange noises and feelings have been reported in the unfinished basement storage room of this library. Some have felt eerie feelings behind them in the upstairs main library, possibly having to do with the large portrait by the front desk.
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  • My childhood haunting.

    When I was 3, my moms friend died in a car crash along with her two daughters, Micheal, my closest friend at the time, and Marie, her older sister who was 5. About a week after the tragedy, I told my mom that "the little girl won't let me sleep". Me, my 15 year old brother, and my mom started seeing the carpet move and heard a ball bouncing down the hall in our apartment. Marie would always ask me if I wanted to play and begged my mom to let me. My mom heard, and say everything. She thought she was going crazy. This happened for two years and we didnt know what to do. My brother saw everything too and considered calling the police. We ended up begging Marie to go away. It never worked until one night. I couldn't sleep so after Marie bounced her ball, I went outside to play with her without telling my mom. We also lived in a terrible neighborhood so it was extremely dangerous. I was playing with her till sunrise, it was like I had endless energy. Marie said goodbye when the sun turned orange. I remember getting really tired all of a sudden. When I woke up, I was inside. My mom found me laying in the woodchips, passed out with a red ball that wasn't mine. I recognized it as my best friends sisters ball. The one that we heard for the past two years. After that, me and my family have never seen marie and her spirit again.

    Posted 3/15/20

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Contact Phone #: (541) 562-5811

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Visitors to this page: 852
Clicks to Website: 31
Last edit to this listing: 8/13/2024 (181 days ago)

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